

Katie’s Background

I have a bachelor’s degree in elementary education and a master’s degree in educational leadership. I spent nine years teaching middle and high school children with a diverse range abilities and backgrounds. I spent four of those years teaching Human Growth and Development and leading a Child Development program. I am also registered 200 hour yoga teacher, as well as pre and post natal certified. After having my first daughter, I was inspired and motivated to use my experiences to pivot into empowering Mamas through sleep and wellness consulting and education. I am a Certified Baby Led Sleep and Well Being Specialist.


“You are your child’s best bet”.

— Deborah Macnamara, PHD.


I believe…

  • A mother’s instincts are always to be trusted.

  • You are the best parent (s) for your child.

  • Attachment is the biggest predictor in how your child turns out.

  • In focusing on strategies for caregivers that use connection with their children rather than separation in both sleep and discipline.

  • Children are inherently good.

  • That we need to hold space for all of our children’s big emotions.

  • Every baby is different. Sleep is not a one size fits all approach.

  • In setting loving and appropriate boundaries and limits with our children.

  • That taking care of yourself is taking care of your children.

  • Deep dependence fosters independence.