Hey, Mama.

I am so glad you are here.

I’m Katie. I am a Mama to two beautiful girls.

In my first’s newborn days, I struggled with trying to understand her sleep and became obsessed with finding solutions. I was desperate for rest, so I did some research (okay, a lot of it) and became a certified Baby Led Sleep and Well Being Specialist through Isla-Grace Sleep.

The goal of my work is to empower you as a caregiver to follow your strong Mama instincts and to discover that you are the answer to your child’s needs, both in sleep and in the everyday. I will provide you with intuitive and personalized sleep plans that support the whole child and feel good for both your baby and you. I will encourage you to be attentive and responsive to your baby in order to deepen the relationship you have with your baby. I will not advise sleep training based techniques.

The Crib Guide

Do you love snuggling and cuddling your little one, but are also feeling ready to start practicing some naps and/or night sleep in the crib? This guide includes intuitive and gentle transition strategies and was designed with a Mama’s heart.

The comprehensive guide is intended for little ones 6 months and older. Click below to check it out!

My Top 10 Tips for Toddler Bedtime Battles

Having trouble getting your toddler down for sleep? Getting asked frequently for more books, more water, more back rubs? Feeling upset because your toddler is screaming out for you when you leave the room? Read these FREE tips ASAP!

5 Mantras for a Rough Night

Katie’s favorite statements that she repeats to herself during those tough nights to find more peace and ease.